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Petitioning for Membership

How Do I Become A Member?


Membership in a Masonic Lodge is a on a volunteer basis only. Membership should be never be solicited for it is our belief that true service and dedication must first come from the heart.




A  person seeking membership must first contact a Mason whom he knows to be in good standing. That member take the necessary steps to allow the candidate to fill out a petition. The petition will be taken to a lodge meeting where a committee will review the character of the applicant. That committed will often visit the applicant in his home, talk with his family and verify his personal history. Only men of good report are accepted in his fraternity. Based upon the committee findings the petition will then balloted upon by all members present as to whether the candidate should be accepted. If the applicant is accepted, he will be notified as to the date, time and location on which he will receive the first of the three separate degrees.




Each degree entails certain inalienable rights and privileges. Suitable proficiency must be attainted in each degree before advancement. These first three degrees are the most important for they are the foundation upon which this institution rests. Much will be committed to memory, such as oaths, modes of recognitions, etc. The tools of the early builders have remind as symbols to allegorically help mason understand and remember the teaching of the fraternity. Through the strengthening of the individual's character, Masonry seeks to improve the community and to make good men better through belief in the Fatherhood of God, the Brotherhood of Man and the immorality of the soul.




Matthew 7:7


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”



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